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245,000 ₽

cheap Click Wood Look Luxury Vinyl Tile

  • Категория проекта: Новое предприятие
  • Стадия реализации: Идея бизнеса
  • Телефон контактный: +7 (201) 497-56-32
  • Страна: Россия
  • Населенный пункт: Concord
  • Добавлено: 05.03.2019 08:17
  • Истекает: This ad has expired

When The NEWBETTER was founded in 2008, Ai Hua and Xu Weihai had no idea how revolutionary this new “ SPC flooring” would be for home improvement and the even the entire industry of flooring.
Today, we’re so proud to be the China’s largest factory of SPC flooring, WPC flooring, and vinyl flooring. In more than 150 countries all around the world, we aspire to excel in quality, technology and service – to our customers, dealers, associates and communities. That’s what leadership means to us. That’s The NEWBETTTER difference.
First and foremost, NEWBETTER has always been committed to providing high-quality Guest service. Whether it is through helping Guests/ dealers customized designs and/or provide advanced technology-It Center and Project Calculator programs, helping with an order, answering questions about merchandise or how to do a project, our service to our Guests is NO. one. NEWBETTER does things right – our strength and success can also be seen in the well-stocked and Multiple designs, the lowest prices with best quality for you.cheap Click Wood Look Luxury Vinyl Tile

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